AIPF Vision

  • Act as an efficient link between industry and research institutions, representing the collective voice of the entire Accelerator Science and Technology (ASc&T) community.
  • In subjects related to the link between industry and research institutions, become the main permanent reference forum for future European projects and decisions pertaining to ASc&T.
  • Strive to exploit ASc&T capabilities, aligning them with societal needs and addressing pressing challenges in our society.

Industry Collaboration and Partnership

Enabling efficient alliances between research institutions and industry, aiming to enhance industrial involvement in manufacturing and engineering competences, improving cooperation on a technical level, committing research institutes to involve industry early in new developments facilitating coherent technology advancements across research institutions to foster industry participation, and establishing a long-term co-innovation strategic cooperation between industry and research institutions.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

Becoming a premier reference industrial forum for policymakers, delivering a compelling message regarding the strategic importance of Accelerator Science and Technology, while also serving as a high-level support body for EC projects involving the ASc&T community, and delineating strategies aimed at overcoming obstacles hindering the optimal exploitation of collaboration between industry and research institutions and technology innovators.

Funding and Investment

Mobilizing funding, leveraging both public and private investments to support research institutions and industry, while concurrently establishing mechanisms to merge proposals with industry and facilitate the necessary support.

Knowledge Transfer and Communication

Fostering and facilitating information exchange among research institutions, industry stakeholders, and funding institutions, thus strengthening the linkages between research and industries on present and future programs, competences, and business development strategies.

Roadmap Development

Encouraging the science community to actively consider industrial requirements and applications, promoting initiatives to provide support in defining accelerator Science and Technology roadmaps. To guarantee that the development of the roadmaps will foster a bridge between industry and scientific institutions to expedite innovation, facilitating increased industrial activities and participation in prototyping phases at R&D Centers, enhancing technology transfer processes and methods in accelerators, and establishing a pipeline to identify a sufficient number of innovation proposals with an appropriate Technology Readiness Level (TRL).