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AIPF in Accelerating news
Curious about bridging the gap between industry and research? This article is sure to grab your attention! Bridging research and industry: The Accelerator Science and Technology Industry Permanent Forum
AIPF in BSBF2024 1st October
Accelerator Industry Permanent Forum (AIPF) – Open session AGENDA 16:00 – 17:00 Presentation and debateCan a forum between industry and research labs enhance collaboration that drives innovation that makes a tangible impact on industry, society, and beyond? 17:00 – 18:00 Pannel discussionThe AIP Forum has 5 priorities for the 2024-2025 period Panelists from both Research institutions…
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3rd I.FAST Annual meeting
3rd I.FAST Annual meetingThe I.FAST (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology) Innovation Pilot project for the Particle Accelerator community will hold its 3rd Annual Meeting in Paris, France, from Wednesday 17 to Friday 19 April 2024 (plenary sessions).Activities and recent results of the different Work Packages will be presented. Special sessions will be devoted to collaboration with industry,…